Research & Publications
My primary research interest is the applications of Operations Research in solving healthcare problems. My research is supported by:
Journal Articles:
Golmohammadi, A., Taghavi, M., Farivar, Vaezi, A. (2025) Improving a supplier's social responsibility: the effect of competition and incomplete visibility. International Journal of Production Research.
Pourvaziri, H., Taghavi, M., Sarhadi, H., Afshari, H., Azad, N. (2025) Multi-objective planning of electric vehicles charging stations by integrating drivers’ preferences and fairness considerations: A case study in Halifax, Canada. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 110886.
Pahlevani, M., Rajabi, E., Taghavi, M., Vanberkel, P. (2025) Developing a decision support tool to predict delayed discharge from hospitals using machine learning. BMC Health Services Research, 25 (56).
Pahlevani, M., Taghavi, M., Vanberkel, P. (2024) A systematic literature review of predicting patient discharges using statistical methods and machine learning. Health Care Management Science, 27, 458-478.
Pourvaziri, H., Sarhadi, H., Azad, N., Afshari, H., Taghavi, M. (2024) Planning of electric vehicle charging stations: An integrated deep learning and queueing theory approach. Transportation Research Part E, 186, 103568.
Maisonnave, M., Rajabi, E., Taghavi, M., Vanberkel, P. (2024) Alternate Level of Care Patients in Canada: A Systematic Review. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 27 (4), 519-530.
Sarty, J., Fitzpatrick, EA., Taghavi, M., VanBerkel, P., Hurley, K. (2023) Machine learning to identify attributes that predict patients who leave without being seen in a pediatric emergency department. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 25 (8), 689–694.
Campbell, J., Taghavi, M., Vanberkel, P. (2023) Day and Night: Locating the general practitioner’s panel after-hours. Applied Sciences: Decision Making with Geo-spatial Information, 13 (10), 6273.
Taghavi, M., Huang, K., Golmohammadi, A. (2021) Polynomial-time algorithms for single resource stochastic capacity expansion models with lost sales. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 59 (4), 572 -591
Taghavi, M., Johnston, G., Urquhart, R., Henderson, D., Tschupruk, C., Tupala, B. (2021) Workforce Planning for Community-Based Palliative Care Specialist Teams Using Operations Research. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 61 (5), 1012-1022. e4
Raine, E., Taghavi, M. (2020) A narrative literature review on human resource planning for palliative care personnel. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 26 (4), 401-404
Taghavi, M., Huang, K. (2020) A Lagrangian relaxation approach for stochastic network capacity expansion with budget constraints. Annals of Operations Research, 284 (2), 605-621.
Golmohammadi, A., Taghavi, M., Farivar, Azad, N. (2018) Three strategies for engaging a buyer in supplier development Efforts, International Journal of Production Economics, 206, 1-14.
Taghavi, M., & Huang, K. (2016). A multi-stage stochastic programming approach for network capacity expansion with multiple sources of capacity. Naval Research Logistics, 63 (8), 600–614.
Taghavi, M., & Huang, K. (2014) Stochastic Capacity Expansion with Multiple Sources of Capacity. Operations Research Letters, 42 (4), 263-267. (Online Companion)
Taghavi, M., & Shavandi, H. (2012) The P-Center Problem under Uncertainty. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 6 (1), 48-57.