Research & Publications
My primary research interest is the applications of Operations Research in solving healthcare problems. My research is supported by:
Journal Articles:
Pahlevani, M., Taghavi, M., Vanberkel, P. (2024) A systematic literature review of predicting patient discharges using statistical methods and machine learning. Forthcoming in Health Care Management Science.
Pourvaziri, H., Sarhadi, H., Azad, N., Afshari, H., Taghavi, M. (2024) Planning of electric vehicle charging stations: An integrated deep learning and queueing theory approach. Transportation Research Part E, Vol. 186, p 103568.
Maisonnave, M., Rajabi, E., Taghavi, M., Vanberkel, P. (2024) Alternate Level of Care Patients in Canada: A Systematic Review. Forthcoming in Canadian Geriatrics Journal.
Sarty, J., Fitzpatrick, EA., Taghavi, M., VanBerkel, P., Hurley, K. (2023) Machine learning to identify attributes that predict patients who leave without being seen in a pediatric emergency department, Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, Vol. 25, No. 8, p 689–694.
Campbell, J., Taghavi, M., Vanberkel, P. (2023). Day and Night: Locating the general practitioner’s panel after-hours. Applied Sciences: Decision Making with Geo-spatial Information, Vol.13, No. 10, p 6273.
Taghavi, M., Huang, K., Golmohammadi, A. (2021). Polynomial-time algorithms for single resource stochastic capacity expansion models with lost sales. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 59 (4), 572 - 591
Taghavi, M., Johnston, G., Urquhart, R., Henderson, D., Tschupruk, C., Tupala, B. (2021). Workforce Planning for Community-Based Palliative Care Specialist Teams Using Operations Research. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 61 (5), 1012-1022. e4
Raine, E., Taghavi, M. (2020). A narrative literature review on human resource planning for palliative care personnel. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 26 (4), 401-404
Taghavi, M., & Huang, K. (2020). A Lagrangian relaxation approach for stochastic network capacity expansion with budget constraints. Annals of Operations Research, 284 (2), 605-621.
Golmohammadi, A., Taghavi, M., Farivar, and N. Azad (2018). Three strategies for engaging a buyer in supplier development Efforts, International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), 206, 1-14.
Taghavi, M., & Huang, K. (2016). A multi-stage stochastic programming approach for network capacity expansion with multiple sources of capacity. Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 63 (8), 600–614.
Taghavi, M., & Huang, K. (2014). Stochastic Capacity Expansion with Multiple Sources of Capacity. Operations Research Letters, 42 (4), 263-267. (Online Companion)
Taghavi, M., & Shavandi, H. (2012). The P-Center Problem under Uncertainty. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 6 (1), 48-57.